Adult Faith Formation and OCIA
Being a Catholic can begin with baptism in infancy, or, it may be a choice we make as an adult.
We welcome you to consider joining our Catholic faith - whether you are a member of another Christian denomination or, are exploring Christianity for the first time.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a year-long discernment and preparation program, culminating in welcoming new members to the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil. The group meets weekly, starting in mid-September. Classes conclude at Pentecost.
Our RCIA program is led by parish staff and dedicated volunteers, and features guest speakers from around the archdiocese and within the parish. Read what some of our recent candidates have to say about their process. LINK
We welcome your questions and hope you consider becoming catholic. Please contact ([email protected]) for more information.
Being a Catholic can begin with baptism in infancy, or, it may be a choice we make as an adult.
We welcome you to consider joining our Catholic faith - whether you are a member of another Christian denomination or, are exploring Christianity for the first time.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a year-long discernment and preparation program, culminating in welcoming new members to the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil. The group meets weekly, starting in mid-September. Classes conclude at Pentecost.
Our RCIA program is led by parish staff and dedicated volunteers, and features guest speakers from around the archdiocese and within the parish. Read what some of our recent candidates have to say about their process. LINK
We welcome your questions and hope you consider becoming catholic. Please contact ([email protected]) for more information.
Children's Faith Formation
Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:13-14) |
Thank you for your interest in the St. Brendan Children’s Faith Formation program (CFF). Children’s Faith Formation is for children in grades 1-8 who do not attend a catholic elementary or middle school.
Faith Formation at St. Brendan’s is Family Catechesis – you, as parents and guardians, are the primary faith educator of your child, as it is within the family that children come to know God’s love. Our role at St. Brendan’s is to support you and your family in your ongoing faith development.
We offer a small group classroom experience where your child will learn about Jesus, gospel values and church teachings at every stage of their development. Our classrooms are a safe place for children to ask their curious questions about God and to discover the beauty and tradition of our Catholic faith.
It is our joy to meet each child and each family where they are, and to help you share in the Good News of Jesus!
Thank you for your interest in the St. Brendan Children’s Faith Formation program (CFF). Children’s Faith Formation is for children in grades 1-8 who do not attend a catholic elementary or middle school.
Faith Formation at St. Brendan’s is Family Catechesis – you, as parents and guardians, are the primary faith educator of your child, as it is within the family that children come to know God’s love. Our role at St. Brendan’s is to support you and your family in your ongoing faith development.
We offer a small group classroom experience where your child will learn about Jesus, gospel values and church teachings at every stage of their development. Our classrooms are a safe place for children to ask their curious questions about God and to discover the beauty and tradition of our Catholic faith.
It is our joy to meet each child and each family where they are, and to help you share in the Good News of Jesus!
Classes and Format
Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) classes are held most Sundays after the 9:30 a.m Family Mass. Families attend mass together and then head to CFF class at 10:30 a.m. Children are grouped by academic grade level with volunteer catechists leading them through an interactive and dynamic curriculum.
St. Brendan’s welcomes all learners and we are happy to support and accommodate children with IEP or 504 plans at school. Parents are also always welcome to join Children’s Faith Formation classes!
Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) classes are held most Sundays after the 9:30 a.m Family Mass. Families attend mass together and then head to CFF class at 10:30 a.m. Children are grouped by academic grade level with volunteer catechists leading them through an interactive and dynamic curriculum.
St. Brendan’s welcomes all learners and we are happy to support and accommodate children with IEP or 504 plans at school. Parents are also always welcome to join Children’s Faith Formation classes!
Content and Curriculum
The content of each CFF class is in alignment with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in accordance with the standards set forth by the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
The content and classes are intended to ignite a passion for the Catholic faith in young souls, with the central message that we are all children of a loving God and are all called to live within and demonstrate His love.
The curriculum includes age-appropriate exploration of the Gospels, our Catholic beliefs, the gift of the Sacraments, Prayer and much more! Materials used are from leading Catholic publishers like Pflaum, Sadlier, Dynamic Catholic, and Loyola Press, plus grade-level appropriate activities, videos and crafts.
The content of each CFF class is in alignment with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in accordance with the standards set forth by the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
The content and classes are intended to ignite a passion for the Catholic faith in young souls, with the central message that we are all children of a loving God and are all called to live within and demonstrate His love.
The curriculum includes age-appropriate exploration of the Gospels, our Catholic beliefs, the gift of the Sacraments, Prayer and much more! Materials used are from leading Catholic publishers like Pflaum, Sadlier, Dynamic Catholic, and Loyola Press, plus grade-level appropriate activities, videos and crafts.
Safety and Compliance/Safe Environment
St. Brendan Parish is committed to the protection and safety of all Parish children. The Archdiocese of San Francisco requires that all adults who work with children (volunteer or paid) complete a Live Scan fingerprint background check and remain current with the Archdiocese safety curriculum "Protecting God's Children". Parent volunteers are needed in Faith Formation classes, and are required to complete these Safe Environment activities. In addition, the Archdiocese mandates yearly Child Safety classes for all students through
At St. Brendan, this extends to expectations of positive conduct within the learning environment for all.
St. Brendan Parish is committed to the protection and safety of all Parish children. The Archdiocese of San Francisco requires that all adults who work with children (volunteer or paid) complete a Live Scan fingerprint background check and remain current with the Archdiocese safety curriculum "Protecting God's Children". Parent volunteers are needed in Faith Formation classes, and are required to complete these Safe Environment activities. In addition, the Archdiocese mandates yearly Child Safety classes for all students through
At St. Brendan, this extends to expectations of positive conduct within the learning environment for all.
Sacramental Preparation
St. Brendan’s Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) offers two-year sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Children over age 7 requiring baptism and/or who are out of sequence for other sacraments will be prepared through the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults - Adapted for Children) program. Please contact the Parish Office (415)- 681-4225 for more information.
St. Brendan’s Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) offers two-year sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Children over age 7 requiring baptism and/or who are out of sequence for other sacraments will be prepared through the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults - Adapted for Children) program. Please contact the Parish Office (415)- 681-4225 for more information.
Sacramental Preparation: First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Preparing to receive God’s forgiveness and Jesus in the Eucharist is a beautiful time of faith development for families and children. This special time takes place over two years, usually beginning in 1st grade and concluding with First Holy Communion in the spring of 2nd grade. Children may also join the First Year Sacramental Program in 2nd grade, receiving First Communion in the spring of 3rd grade. ***Family participation is an essential part of Sacramental Preparation in Years 1 and 2*** The First Year Sacramental Preparation class is focused on getting to know Jesus in three ways – through his Word, the Sacraments, the Mass and talking to Him in prayer. The classroom portion centers on Jesus’ living word in the Gospels. The family catechesis portion supports parents as they bring their child along to full participation in the Mass and laying the foundation for a life of prayer. The focus of the Second Year Sacramental Preparation class is preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. The children grow in their knowledge and understanding of God along three intersecting paths: His Love, His Forgiveness and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the classroom, children discover God’s love for us through his mercy, forgiveness, and the gift of his Son Jesus in the Eucharist. At home, families work together to strengthen their prayer life and their full participation in the Mass and establishing a well-formed conscience. |
Sacramental Preparation: Confirmation
Confirmation is the final Sacrament of Initiation into the Catholic Church, following Baptism and First Eucharist. It is a time of profound growth for Catholic teens, as they decide to affirm their full and active membership in the Catholic church. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a 2 ½ year program, usually beginning in 6th grade and concluding with Confirmation in the fall of 8th grade. Students enrolled in a Catholic school without a confirmation program may begin preparation in 7th grade with confirmation in the Fall of 8th grade. Community and Parish Service are an essential part of Confirmation preparation, with students finding ways to benefit their community and to participate in a parish ministry. This helps the student recognize our Christian duty to serve God by serving others. Students begin preparation in 6th grade, particularly if active participation in the Church has not been a consistent part of their life. The 6th grade curriculum focuses on the living word of the Gospel and how we are all called to live fully in Jesus’ teachings. The 7th grade classes begin the process of understanding the Catholic faith at a deeper level, discerning the individual choice to be Confirmed in the Spirit. The final months of preparation include making the final choice to be Confirmed in the Holy Spirit and selecting a trusted adult as their sponsor and model in faith. |
Class Descriptions
- First Holy Communion Prep (Year 1): Students in 1st or 2nd grade who need to begin preparation for First Communion
- First Holy Communion Prep (Year 2): Students in 2nd or 3rd grade who have completed Year 1 or attended 1st/2nd grade at a Catholic school
- Grades 3-5: Grade level classes
- Pre-Confirmation/Grade 6: 6th graders plus 7th graders who have not attended Faith Formation classes since First Communion or do not attend Catholic school; pre-requisite for Confirmation 1
- Confirmation 1: Students who have completed 6th grade/Pre-Confirmation and/or attend Catholic school may begin Confirmation preparation in 7th grade
- Confirmation 2: Students who have completed Conformation 1 and are ready to receive confirmation in the Fall of their 8th/9th grade year
Program Fees
Tuition is payable by cash, check or via the online portal. For more information on current fees, please see:
Tuition assistance is available, no one will be turned away due to lack of financial resources. Please contact the Pastor discuss further.
Tuition is payable by cash, check or via the online portal. For more information on current fees, please see:
Tuition assistance is available, no one will be turned away due to lack of financial resources. Please contact the Pastor discuss further.