Welcome Home! We're so excited you want to zoom back to live Mass at St. Brendan Church. Even on lockdown,, we're still a cozy community of believers who seek to find our way in life by following Jesus together, and we want you with us on the journey.
Things will be a little different when you return, at least temporarily as we continue to battle the spread of COVID-19. We expect attendance to be limited by public health officials to 25 percent of our building capacity, which is approximately 90 people. Please read through the following safety instructions carefully. We will be strictly enforcing these guidelines in an effort to act in a socially responsible manner and protect everyone’s health in accordance with CDC guidelines.
- Screen yourself for COVID-19 symptoms. Do not attend Mass if you have any symptoms.
- Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds.
- Please bring your own face covering, gloves, and hand sanitizer.
- Face coverings (for ages 3+) are required at all times during Mass. Put on your face covering as soon as you exit your vehicle or approach the church. You will not be allowed to enter if you do not have one on and will be asked to leave if you do not comply.
- Please arrive early. Getting seated will take longer than usual. You will be checked in and screened for symptoms. If there is a line for check-in, please follow the Social Distance markings. Please do not be late to avoid forfeiting your reserved seat.
- Register for Mass in advance below and print or have your confirmation email ready to show upon entering. If you arrive without a confirmation email, you will be asked to move to a “standby” line. Registration for Sunday mass will begin at 10 a.m. on the Monday before. Register by clicking the button below.
- Our safety volunteers will seat your household filling the open pews from front to back. To ensure six feet of space between households, you will not be permitted to choose your own seats.
- If you will need special assistance, please inform the safety volunteer at the front doors.
- Mass will be limited to 40 minutes in duration.
- Please refrain from any physical contact between households at the Sign of Peace or otherwise.
- Please refrain from singing the responses. Only the priest saying the mass will sing the responses.
- Collection baskets may passed during the offertory, or you may place your weekly gift in a basket as you exit the church. We also strongly encourage online giving. Click here to give electronically.
- Communion will be distributed at the regular time during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This is subject to change according to guidance from the Department of Health. If needed, Communion will be distributed after Mass has ended. Only one section of the church at a time will receive communion to ensure one-way travel and maintain six-foot distances at all times. Safety volunteers will direct you. Please be patient as you await your turn.
- Use of personal hand sanitizer before communion is strongly encouraged.
- The priest and Eucharistic Ministers will sanitize their hands thoroughly and then distribute communion using face coverings. Neither the Eucharistic Minister nor you should wear gloves while distributing or receiving communion.
- Neither the precious blood nor communion on the tongue will be offered to the congregation to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
- Face coverings should be worn in the communion line. After the priest offers you communion please step six feet to the side, remove your face covering briefly, consume the Eucharist, replace your face covering, and then exit the church through the side doors.
- If Communion is offered at the end of mass, please exit the church through the side door, as directed by the safety volunteer. Please do not return to your pew. You must exit your pew when prompted by a safety volunteer. Private prayer will not be available after Sunday Masses to allow the church to be reset for the next Mass and to prevent criss-crossing traffic patterns.
- Please place your weekly offertory in the collection basket by the side door as you depart.
- Unfortunately, clergy will not be able to shake hands as you exit.
- Please do not congregate outside the church. Proceed directly to your vehicle.